Montag, 16. Februar 2009

"You inspire me" Award

I created this new Award and I hand over to Yvonne, Pia, Astrid, Ann (EvilEdna) Susi and...(I've to look for s.o. else.)

5 Kommentare:

  1. Ich freu mich riesig Anja!!!

    Das ist eine ganz grosse Ehre für mich!

  2. Thanks so much for the nice award, i'm verry happy

  3. Dear Anja,
    Thank you sooooo much, I feel very much honoured and what a wonderful idea to create a blog award yourself!

  4. THANK YOU VERY,VERY MUCH Anja. Such a beautiful award, but then you made it, so it wouldn't be anything less than beautiful. You've given me so many ideas and tips, and I have tried them out, but not much success at the moment, but I am practicing :)
    Thank you again
    Take care & keep smiling
    Ann x

  5. Thank you so much, Anja!! How sweet of you to give me this wonderful award! Im so thankful.
    Hugs, Yvonne.
