For ACC "Woman Tags"After a long time I've made a Glue-Transfer image, (I used wood glue) It's me, little Anja, on the photo*g*
background is corrugated board. I use simple glue. It works as good as gel medium. I finsihed the transfer image with light brown furniture polish. The oil in it makes
the last paper spots transparent and colored at once. Ich hab nach langer Zeit mal wieder einKleber Transferbild gemacht von meinem Kinderfoto.Ich benutzte
einfachen Kleber, (Serviettenlack, Holzleim usw.) geht genauso gut wie Gel Medium. Ich habe den Kleber auf Wellpappe gestrichen und dann mein Foto draufgepappt,
ihr könnt die Technik im Link nachlesen. Das fertige TransferBild wische ich mit
hellbrauner Möbelpolitur. Sie ist ölig und macht die letzten Papierfetzen vom
Transferbild durchsichtig und tönt gleichzeitig.
Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011
......................"Life is colorful and vibrant"
I've two Zetti-stamps combined. The Stripes around are painted with wax crayons and repainted with black ink. Like the wax resist technique.
Background colored with potassium permanganate (it looks first magenta and became light brown) brown) and Watercolors in blue and magenta, stamped with black Versafine. Potassium permanganate is an oxidizer, it will stain any item with which it comes into contact a dark yellow or brown color.
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011
Another Card "Postage Stamp" for Art Card Challenge. Background is made with Marvy Metallics, description of the technique readhere I finished the marvy patterns with gel pens and black fineliner.
I made a set with 4 ATCs. Background postagestamps are from a rollerstamp. I used the"Wax Resist"technique but with lip balm and Encaustic paper. ......................
Freitag, 22. Juli 2011
Background is equally effectiv as the MicroGlaze Resist Technique but I works with Vaseline, lip balm works also.
Der HG ist nach derTechnik gemacht, allerdings nehme ich immer billige Alternativen wie farblose Schuhcreme, Vaseline oder Lippenpflegestift, es muss nur festes Fett enthalten.
Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011
My card is made with"Black Magic" technique for ACC , I want to check it out, but I painted with pastel (chalk) pencils. I can sharpen them and paint direkt to paper, so the coloring is more intense as chalk wiping. Only the thin blue frame is painted with colored pencil.
Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011
I smeared with my fingers shimmering Brilliance reinkers on the background. First I used self adhesive Mesh tape as pattern in the middle. At last I glued Mesh tape pieces in the edges and colored some little squares.
I smeared with my fingers shimmering Brilliance reinkers on the background, added also dots with my fingertip, let dry.I combined 2 stamps. First I stamped the face in the middle, masked it and stamped the running person over so that only the body is to be seen. Then I doodled the fingertip dots, I had a lot of fun. The page looks not dark, unfortenately the scanner absorbs the shimmering glamor.
Samstag, 16. Juli 2011
.........New journal page. I worked with pastell Crayons, raven is a glued stamp.
Mein neuer Stempel von Stampotique, designed von Jo Copper Sandon, hat mich an den zauberhaften Film "Der geheime Garten" erinnert und zu dieser Karte inspiriert. .
I cut the print image unicolored beige face out of an old second hand book and colored it with pastell chalks. The blue-white-brown background is "Napkin Batik". Overall size 6 X 7,5 Inches
.............. Ich habe das einfarbig beige Gesicht vom Cover eines Flohmarkt Buches ausgeschnitten und mit Pastellkreide koloriert. Der blau-weiß-braune HG ist " Serviettenbatik". Die Gesamtgröße ist 15,5 x 18,5
The middle image was a lable of winter socks, I saved it, cause I thought i would use it sometime. Over the size I glued a leaf.Underneath is distressed corrugated cardboard, wiped with gold and copper paste.
Das Mittelmotiv ist ein Sockenlabel von dicken Wintersocken, das ich verwahrt hatte. Zu der abgefetzten Wellpappe passt es ganz gut fand ich. Wo die Größenangabe aufgedruckt war, hab ich das Blatt drübergeklebt.Die Wellpappe ist mit Gold- und Kupferpaste von Aldi eingeschmiert, was natürlich der Scanner wieder verschluckt hat, die olle Elster.
Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011
I love clocks and time is allways one of my favorite themes. ............. ..............
For the Bookmark I took black Glossy with Luna Lightscolors. I don't know how the technique named in englisch:You take 2 cards, let the different colors drop on one card, lay another card over the first card, press a little bit and then pull off the card on top. You know that technique? (here I took 2 black Glossy cards) Seahorse is a linoleum cut of my creative husband.(The black underground is from Scanner.)