I’ve been extremely busy at my office recently with year-end and new-year tasks. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to visit many of my favorite blogs to let you know how much I love your creations!
I realize there are sooo many awards given to various blogs and I wanted to create my own ~ personal ~ from the heart award.
My sister, Valerie, has spearheaded an amazing project called the Winter Feast for the Soul http://www.winterfeastforthesoul.com/ which now has thousands of participants throughout the world. Please take a peek at her site for all the details.
One of the sponsors of the Winter Feast is http://www.gratefulness.org/, a very cool site encouraging gratitude. I wrote to them asking if I could use one of their cards to give to my wonderfully talented blogging friends. They said YES! I fell in love with one particular picture, it’s purple of course, but sooooo amazingly beautiful … It was exactly what I had in mind! And so, this is for you:
No special rules for this one, feel free to pass it along to as many blogs as you wish! I would love it if you would post the picture and link to Gratefulness.org.
Just know that this comes from my heart to you ~ my inspriation!
America at http://cardsbyamerica.blogspot.com/
Anja at http://artefaktotum.blogspot.com/
Ann at http://whitchcraft.blogspot.com/
Annchen at http://annchenssmallcreations.blogspot.com/
Carolyn at http://pmsetc.blogspot.com/
Chris at http://sketchingstamper.blogspot.com/
Connie at http://stampinfrogscreativejourney.blogspot.com/
And so on..I hope I have not missed anyone…if I find that I did, I will immediately add you to this list!! Thanks for putting up with my long-winded post today!
I give it to Susi