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Inspired by this video I use once again the old "Frottage" technique for the background
(look below, also by me made with an other stuff) The Tim Holtz witch head glued on a
magazin modell body and altered with Neocolors. Hope you love it and try it too, have fun.
I took such a photo of a cosmetic advertisement to change it. Unfortunately I forgot to scan before changing.
But the same lady here at an angle (schräg von vorne fotografiert) you can see below but only from the front.
(leider nur frontal) I decolored with nail polish remover on cotton pads the half face, also a bit hairs, hat and
and all the colors and text around, just like these creations. Then I recolored the free decolored areas
with distress,
stencils and Neocolors. I love such altering process and the result. If you like it too, I'm glad,
dear visitors, if you leave a comment, it means a lot to me, thank you so much.

For my own background technique I used removable cellotapes and nailpolish remover
(or Citra Solv or NeverDull) I sticked some tape stripes over a magazin photo. Then I wiped
on with nail polish remover, and so I decolored the areas between the stripes. At last I
peeled the stripes off and glued the girl with umbrella and the ball on. I'm glad if you like it.
The white background card is wiped with Vaseline (or Micro glaze) and the
lines with wax crayon. Both stuff
the resist effect. Then I
dabbed over with Marvy Matchables
in blue, pink, orange and grey. Then I cleaned the
areas and lines for
the right resist effect. At last I glued the ballerina and the magazin
cut out words on top and
wiped the edge with black. I wished you would like it.Have a wonderful day.
The leaves are stamped with the Baby Wipe technique2.
Look below. Please note: only solid rubber stamps work well for
the multicolor effect!At last I add the bird, altered with a human eye.If you like it, I'm glad you leave a comment.
Over a background, colored with Dylusions, I blow at last black drops of Dylusions. Then I worked a bit more out and glued the
moon and the lady with the birds on top. I'm glad you leave a comment, it means a lot to me. Please click the little to enlarge.
Today I let the background without stamps, cause I want not cover the view on the expressive flow
of colors of the blowing technique. For the technique description please look the post of yesterday.
At last I wiped a bit blue P.Pastell in the sky around the sun which i intensified with yellow gelatos.
I want to play again with blowing ink here you can look my older creations. Technique description you can see
here I love the technique with so many possibilities.This time I used Bister colors and water, and not a straw, I
blowed the colors with an air duster, that is much easier. At last I glued the butterflies and the little baby raven.
I stamped different leaves and berries stamps in several color box chalk for a soft looking, inspired by this
and layers one over the other. At last I wiped a little bit between with yellow Pan Pastell.
It was such a great pleasure for me, that I have "to circle" and glue again. And I love the colorful contrast
to the dark weather here today with rain the whole night and still all the day. The circles look a bit like easter eggs*g* .
Inspired by this nice card I try it with my papers and a lot of fun. This is the result, I hope you like it too.
I worked the background with one of my favorite techniques. I've torn off stripes (TOS) of a magazin page
with a sellotape. Note: not every magazin
works, please test it, if only the surface tear off and not
the page disrupt. Then I added the stripes with a glue stick, they must be firmly rubbed onto the surface.
On the colored background I added again TOS stripes (my selfmade washi tapes)
then one of the faces from Dina Wakley and clearstamp words. May be you like it.
I made a background using the Bokeh technique , which I discovered at Pinterest
When it was finished I saw the Penny Black boy fits perfect.
Some bubbles, the
boy's clothes and hairs are clear embosst.
Words from Stampendous. I hope you like it too.
Inspired by this beautiful work, I tried it too. I colored book pages with dylusions and tearing them up into scraps. Then I glued them on a sketchbook page and added the other pieces. I have no favorite bird, what the theme is by TaW challenge I love them all, without the vultures, but nature needs them too.
I hope you like it.(click to enlarge)
This video has inspired me. I didn't have the same papers and so on, so I
realized it with my stuff. I hope you like it, nethertheless. The qoute means
in english: Take time to the dream, this is the way to the stars.
A new card with this fabulous funny technique I love the colorful results. This time I used the very shimmery Luna Lights
I love the unique texture of this technique very much.I wish you love it too.