I made this background with plastic wrap 1 or technique 2 and the shimmery Luna Lights. I love the great texture effects. (click to enlarge)
I don't know how around it looks the best, so I cann`t process it further, or shall I leave it so not to cover the beautiful textur?

Ein toller Farbverlauf - ich denke es kommt auf das Motiv/ die Motive an, wie herum man es besten verwendet.
AntwortenLöschenLG Dagmar
Hello Anjas - what a great colour combination! After I had looked at all the ways round I chose the 3rd because I thought that Ryn's Branch stencil might look good ....the flow of the shape is similar....Look forward to seeing what your finished project looks like....Barbara x
AntwortenLöschenThis background is stunning and I think whatever you do with it it will look fabulous !
AntwortenLöschenCorrie x
This is amazing. I like no 3. I have wanted to try it for a long time.
AntwortenLöschenWhat keeps me back is the drying time. But if I see your
results I must give it a try soon. Hoop te see soon what you
are going to make with this beautiful results. Thanks for inspiring me Anneke.
So nice...I don't know what direction would be the best Anja, it depends on the stamp(s), I think?
AntwortenLöschenAmazing how different a background can look by turning the card :-)
Groetjes, Alie
Herrliche Farben und mein persönlicher Favorit ist die letzte Version, aber es kommt natürlich auch auf das Motiv an.
AntwortenLöschenLG Petra
merci pour cette technique qui donne des résultats qui se regardent dans toutes les directions
AntwortenLöschenSchwere Entscheidung... Ich bin mal gespannt für was du dich entscheiden wirst. Der Hintergrund als solches ist jedenfalls klasse.
AntwortenLöschenWow! Stunning, Anjas!!
AntwortenLöschenWow , I really love this background, great colours and structure!!! True you I made myself a few of these really amazing backgrounds, I love this technique very much, thanks for showing us how to do it Anja!!!
It's a great technique with amazing effects Anja, I love doing that too! These colors are so beautiful!
Fantastic! Love the colours and textures, fabulous creation!! Hugs, Ira x
AntwortenLöschenIra’s Crea Corner
Wouaouh, Anja, this is clever, effective are really beautiful my friend! :)
AntwortenLöschenThis looks lovely! The first reminds me of sunrays, sunset or sunrise over swirling water of the end of a stream/lake
AntwortenLöschenThe second - a hill with swirly clouds.
The third - having read the suggestion about a tree I see that too, but also two sambaballs getting punched from the right.
The fourth - a ship hitting the dock.
All ways look lovely. Maybe scan it and print it 3 more times so you can use all 4 positions?
Oh and a lovely technique, just saw the video and it looks like fun to do! Very tempted to run off from my pc and make a batch...
AntwortenLöschen(well why not?)
Got to go now, to the crafting table!
Thank you by the way for sharing the links of the techniques you used, that has inspired me many times. I don't always comment about it, as usually after seeing the video I indeed run off to have a go at it myself ;)
Debbie / Daqa.
Das sieht klasse aus. Schwierige Frage... ich glaube, da würde ich ein CAS Karte draus machen. Vielleicht nur Text und eine Silhouette?.
AntwortenLöschenBin gespannt, wie es wird.
LG Carola
Hi,fantastic work!!!
AntwortenLöschenSuper farben.
AntwortenLöschenGroetjes Marlies
Beautiful designs Anja, love those backgrounds ! I hope you are doing well, Shirleyxx
AntwortenLöschenSuper Farben, ich bin schon gespannt was du daraus machst.
AntwortenLöschenLG Dagmar2
gorgeous background, Always hard to cover something that is so beautiful, maybe working on a transparant or something like that.
AntwortenLöschenWonderful, these backgrounds!!!!!! if you don't know how to use them : I certainly do! :) Also thanks for commenting on my blog!