I love Erin Ashley's art works very much. She has inspired me again with her "City on my mind" Here is my personal skyline. I painted a cardboard with white gesso and then mixed with different blue inks, (below) at last added stars with Sharpie. After that I glued my skyline on, only made of TOS stripesa favorite technique (TOS = Torn Off Stripes of a magazin with a sellotape). ............................................please click for enlargement.
I love the style of the modern artist Erin Ashleyvery much, I specially love her word collages and she has inspired me to this and the other creations. I will make even more the next time. I hope you will like it.(for original size please click "open in a new tab")
For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the masters I 've chosen one of my favorits HENRI MATISSE I stamped on a book page with Motifs I've designed a long time ago for the stamp company unicorn, when they still existed. I love the great artist Matisse because of it's versatility. Perhaps you like him too.
I used again my TOS Technique and covered the card with this stripes. Then colored still a bit the cut out lady, print the words and glued them both on top.I love TOS backgrounds. I hope you like it, thanks for your visit and comment. (For enlargement please click for "open in a new tab"/ zur Vergrößerung auf "Link in neuem Tab öffnen" klicken)
I played again with wax and iron as here Encaustic Technik and wiped at last magic gold powder on some areas, you can scarcely see it on the scanned image. Then I altered the cut out magazin face below with Neocolors, P. Pastells, white pen and glued sunglasses on. At last I added it with the words on top the card. I hope you will like it.
I made this card as the post before.(Above is only an enlargement of the card) Unfortunately I forgot to scan the background after gluing the headlines and numbers on and before working on. Then I add gesso and Neocolors or inkpad, that result can see in the background image below. Mona get a hat and some altering colors. I'm glad if you like my inkognito Mona. Take a Word
I was so enthusiastic about a lot of those pictures from Erin Ashley on Pinterest, I must try it, first just a small experiment. I do not know how Erin has made her pictures. I cut out a lot of headlines or similar to. Glued them with Mod Podge on a piece of grey board, grounded with Gesso and colored with Neocolors, Distress stains, Copic refillers and so on, and stamped some numbers with black Ancient page. At last I cut out the movie star Sandra B. overpainted with Neocolors and glued with the bird on top. I had much fun creating the background, it was certainly not my last. If you like it I'm glad about a comment, it means a lot to me.
(Wie passend dass ich grad vorher all meine Zeitschriften ausgemistet hatte, ist es nicht immer so? Sobald man sich aufrafft Zeugs wegzuwerfen, braucht mans, muss ein Naturgesetz sein)
Ich hab keine Ahnung wie die Gutste ihre Bilder macht, Beschreibung fehlt bei sowas ja immer. Ich hab also restliche Kataloge nach unterschiedlichen Überschriften durchforstet und ausgeschnitten. Ein Reststück Graupappe mit Gesso bepinselt und die Überschriften mit ModPodge aufgeklebt und testweise mit allem was färbt nur Stückweise eingefärbt. Dann hab ich die mit Neocolors umgefärbte Sandra B. und den Piepmatz aufgeklebt.
Das ist also mein 1. Versuch. Ich hatte soviel Spaß dabei, dass bestimmt noch mehr folgen wird.
I put a tree stencil on a colored background and wiped between with black. Then glued the flying girl on and draw strokes to the ballons I glued on top. The ballons are the greatest from RynDesign "Raindrop Set"
Again a card with Mod Podge technique, inspired by this Video but you must wait until the second half. I hope you try the technique too and wish you a lot of fun. My first try you can find in the posting here.
I played again on an Encaustic card with wax blocks , paper doily(Papiertortendeckchen) and iron, inspired by this video. Finally I glued the doily I've used below and the ballerinas on top.
I hope you like my ice princess in pink dancing in front of an impressive scenery of enormous ice rocks made with wax and iron.(Please click the background to enlarge) Here you can find the other participants of the TaW challenge.
Kermit the frog says: "We can not predict the future, nor can we change the past, all we can do is appreciate the present and live in the moment" On the Encaustic background, I glued the frog on and DesignbyRynleavesstamped on colored paper.
At present I'm once more in the Encaustic fever as you can see at the last postings. In this creation, I saw instantly a birds head and gave him eyes,(cut out, redyed and glued on) Now he is born! Below you can see a detail enlargement. Hope your fantasy is with me and it is "freestyle"
Since we have a wonderful blue sky and a brilliant sun, I had to think of south sea holidays. The background technique is made as my last post, inspired by this fabulous Video.
After that I wiped this time still colors of various inkpads and polished with a rolled up piece of a nylon pantyhose. At last I glued the Star fish set on top. Do you like that result too?
I played on an Encaustic card with wax blocks , paper doily(Papiertortendeckchen) and iron inspired by this video , I love the result. Maybe I will still process further it and something glue on. (Mal sehen, vielleicht bearbeite ich es später noch weiter und klebe etwas drauf das passt.)